- Philosophy -
When we seek first to understand the business strategy and combine it with creative genius, we build a powerful bridge - a charismatic brand.
What is brand strategy?
All-rounded, well-executed, intentional. Architecture, intangible, ephemeral.
A solid, flexible blueprint that you will be able to build on, because nothing in this world remains in silo.
Helping you to build a brand with foresight, insight and longevity.
From us to you.
Not rocket science, but a strategy and framework to achieve your desired sales figures and growth in market presence.
Fluid and capable of working within a tight budget, it is the understanding of your company, your competition, your competitive edge, and what you need to achieve your goals.
What Author can give to you.
Creative Direction
What is that?
Intangible, abstract, elusive, mixed up with art direction and design.
Where design and art direction cross and meet with strategy.
What you feel when your company brand comes to mind. A literal interpretation of your brand. Concepts and ideas.
Author fitting the small parts together perfectly for you, making the whole far greater than the sum of their parts.
Visual Content
The future. Author’s specialty.
The poster child of technology’s evolution in photos and videos.
The new and different way of absorbing information as compared to traditional methods.
With new content strategies, and a new way to reach out to customers, visual content is not the next big thing – it is THE next thing.
Who is king?
Not the customer. It is the editorial content.
It takes top spots in search engines, builds your brand online and communicates your story with words that can be spoken.
Don’t make the mistake many do. Let us help you.
Let Author author the content for you (pun fully intended).
Social Media
Facebook, Instagram, YouTube.
What do they all have in common?
Social media platforms. Powerful platforms.
Some brands have been built entirely on social media (like the Kardashians).
Don’t worry about the eyes on you, because we’re here for you. We’ll handle it for you, with authenticity in mind.
It is our delight to help our clients plan their social media strategy, develop SMART goals for the campaigns and deliver measurable results.
“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”