Good shoes are a blessing!

Established in Singapore since 2007, Arch Angel has always been about comfort that does not sacrifice style. This curated footwear brand provides stylish solutions to foot health conditions and a wide selection of comfortable shoes from leading brands around the world.

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is proof



pair of shoes

can change your life.

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2016 - 2018

Author is the branding and marketing partner of Arch Angel, propelling the brand forward since 2016 to date. Our works include:-

  1. Everything about the Brand - Vision, Mission, Values, Promise, Tagline, Personality, Tone of Voice, Creative Direction and Visuals

  2. Brand Strategy - identifying and developing Arch Angel’s unique brand proposition, in order to differentiate them from competitors

  3. Brand Story & Founder’s Story

  4. Business Strategy in identifying business priorities with well-planned timelines in the pursuit of growing the brand

  5. Marketing Strategy to create awareness and drive foot traffic to stores, leading to conversions and enhanced business competitiveness

  6. On-going market strategy and roadmap to grow the market share and stay ahead of the competition

  7. Brand Campaign Strategy for launch of collection, promotions and festivities

  8. Creative Direction for Photography and Design

  9. SEO

  10. Content writing for website and blog

  11. Social Media Content and Marketing

  12. Event Promotion

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Ee Leng Tan loved to travel. Meeting people you otherwise would never meet, sharing lives and telling stories; travelling can sometimes turn strangers into friends, and that is what appealed the most to Ee Leng. She built great plans to explore the far reaches of the globe, never once expecting that she would instead, journey deep into the world of footcare – an unavoidable journey that began with a painful step.

“I remember wanting to go shopping but my feet hurt too much. I’d been walking for less than an hour but couldn’t go on. It was so frustrating.” Standing in the middle of the shopping mall, Ee Leng knew she had to do something. She needed information. She needed to understand what was wrong with her feet. She also needed new shoes.

Then she met Helen Crawford. Trained as a podiatrist in London, Helen was a specialist in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of foot ailments. Together, they explored the idea of bringing comfortable, stylish shoes into Singapore so everyone could have easy access to healthy footwear.

“I didn’t want to just sell shoes. I wanted to start a shop and put the right things in – exclusive shoe brands that fit well, a wide variety of foot care accessories and most importantly, staff able to give the right advice and information that can really help people who walk in pain.”

Starting Arch Angel in 2007, Ee Leng envisioned it to be a place where communities of strangers could also meet, share their stories of overcoming pain and exchange tips on foot care and healthy living. This is why podiatrists are often brought in to advise clients on foot health, and customers themselves are encouraged to share their testimonies with each other. Ee Leng also has plans for future workshops where customers attending can learn a new skill or lifestyle tips for greater health.

“I might not have planned to explore the world of footcare, but I am choosing to journey further into it, so that I can help others who are in pain,” she says, which probably explains why customers who walk into Arch Angel with problems and needs, almost always leave with happy feet. And just like Ee Leng, they know that good shoes are a blessing.


Comfortable shoes reinvented with a midas touch of style.

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